January 15, 2017

Catherine Masters

A Day at the Coolest Farm You’ve Seen

This day, with these people, on this farm was incredibly special to me. Amanda and Jessee live on Berryhill Farms with their two children Kai and Sia. Amanda is the owner of the incredible online vintage store Stable and Coop (check it here), and Jessee is a farmer at heart.

[[ Amanda was the cool chick in my workout class and after a couple weeks of eying her killer tattoos and impressive yoga moves, I had to be friends with her- totally not creepy at all right? Ha! I introduced myself, and we were instant friends. She is insightful, and beautiful, and full of love, as is the place she calls home. I remember her telling me how thankful she was that I introduced myself. Sometimes as adults it is hard to make friends, so don’t be shy, yall. We all need community, and sometimes beautiful and meaningful friendships are just a “hello” away. ]]  

Their home is lovely and lived in, not in the messy kind of way. But in a beautiful way that says this is us- where we live, and move, and love. These photos don’t do it justice on just how freaking cool it actually is. Every inch dripping with character.

It was profound and refreshing, as was this entire family. They were so honest in the way they operated with Devin and I in their space. After this shoot, I felt like I could just sit and cry for a long time. That is how deeply it touched me. Can’t really explain it, but I am so thankful for what I do.

This is a little slice of their life. You can see Jessee making the fresh bread for that week. (Every week Berry Hill Farm delivers fresh produce baskets with their Farm to Door Program.   -which is seriously amazing by the way.) The barn that overlooks the farm. Lots of giggles. And lots of love. 

Take a look, yall. <3

Love you guys so much. 

Till next time,


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  1. Amira says:

    These are beautiful