In August of 2013 I was at a breaking point and faced with two decisions. I could either continue on living life as I had been, or become exactly the woman I always wanted to be. A woman who was passionate, joyful, free, strong. A woman who lived a life that honored God. The woman God created me to be.
I choose the later, and my journey- while it is a daily one- has been nothing short of a marvelous adventure.
I find myself looking more and more like that woman- like myself every day.
I really just want to say how tremendously blessed I have been by all of the support and love of my family, friends, and community- both physical community and social media community. All the encouraging messages and words touch my heart to its very core. It is an affirmation that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
My entire life I have been told,
“Follow your dreams.”
It is something you probably all heard growing up. It is something we tell children now.
Yet, too often following your dreams ends up falling behind the idea of being a gown up and finding security.
Sometimes following your dreams is terrifying. That is why I have decided to follow the giver of dreams. And you know what? I have found that it has led me to the same place. That is why I am pursuing one of my passions, and going into business for myself as ofRen.
While security takes on many forms such as a stable job or wealth, but I have never known security like I have found in Jesus. I have complete trust that He will continue to guid me and provide for me.
It certainly is bittersweet to leave my current job at the Chamber of Commerce. I have met so many people, learned so much, and made lasting relationships that feel as close as family. But my dreams are calling, and I am eager to answer.
I am officially booking appointments for April 6th and onward! I will open for portrait sessions, engagement sessions, and boudoir sessions. I will still be photographing weddings with the talented Lauren Carroll! You can book us here:!
I will be releasing more information super soon so stay tuned on updates! Again, I am so thankful for all the support and love from my family and friends. I am so excited to see where my dreams take me!
Message me here for inquiries!

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