The love of Logan and Shelby is vibrant. It is tender. It is passionate. It is contagious.
Which is why these two are just SO FUN to photograph. Each image is full of emotion.
In about two months, I have the honor of photographing their wedding.
Needless to say, you all will be seeing a lot of these two. They are both fiercely good looking, so I don’t think I will hear any complaints about that.
Logan and Shelby seem to have a habit of finding themselves behind my lens. After photographing Shelby’s senior session (featuring quite a few frames with Logan), Logan approached me about photographing his super sweet proposal (which you may remember here)
It turned out simply beautifully. Then, they asked me to be the photographer for all things #turntfortorrance (their official wedding hashtag), and I was just enthralled!
One of the absolute best parts of my job is getting to experience someone’s most joyous moments in life, right by their side. I get to watch the most beautiful of moments blossom right in from of me and turn them into something lasting.
Two people completely caught up in love, lost in the gaze of their lover…
they may not remember the way his hand gently caressed her check or the moment when she looked up at him with tender adoration in her eyes,
but I get to give those moments back to them. I give them a different perspective. I turn fleeting moments into memories to hold and remember for years to come.
When you get to do that with people who are so dear to you,
it only makes it THAT much better.
When these two join their lives together as one, I will be right there fighting tears behind the lens of my camera. It will be a joyous & beautiful day. So be on the lookout for the photos from their wedding day. It is going to be incredible.
I love you all. <3

Cat you are the BEST at capturing the pure love between our two sweethearts! Thank you!